World Parkinson’s Day

Today, on World Parkinson’s Day, I marvel at the breadth and creativity of global advocacy that defines the Parkinson’s community. I am participating in a campaign by Global Alliance to End Parkinson’s Disease (PD Avengers) that introduces “The Spark” as the new international symbol of World Parkinson’s Day. The campaign asks you to “Share your Spark” to amplify our voices to end Parkinson’s. 

You can access the campaign by going to There you will find easy to save graphics for World Parkinson’s Day and I encourage you to post on your social media on April 11. The call to action includes raising awareness and breaking the stigma of Parkinson’s, and leading a call to fund medical research.

I have summarized some facts you may not know that were highlighted on the World Parkinson’s Day website:

  • Parkinson’s disease is the fastest growing neurological disease

  • The Parkinson’s Pandemic: There are 10 million people with Parkinson’s disease globally (1 million in the United States). The global number is expected to double by 2040.

  • Up to 10% of people with Parkinson’s are diagnosed in their 40s or younger called Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease  (YOPD)

  • Having Parkinson’s disease is more than a tremor and loss of motor skills. There are many non-motor symptoms including anxiety and depression, loss of speech and cognitive decline.

  • People with Parkinson’s are often discriminated against, have difficulty retaining jobs and in some countries are believed to be cursed by witches.

  • Paraquat, a toxic weed killer linked to Parkinson’s, remains legal in North America.

  • The last major medical breakthrough was in the 1970s.

I am grateful that the Parkinson’s community is so actively working to challenge the world to pay attention to Parkinson’s disease. Since becoming a Parkinson’s advocate, I have felt empowered to create change: 

  • Ambassador for the World Parkinson Congress (WPC) in Barcelona July 7-10 in 2023. I am promoting the benefits of the Congress and encouraging people to attend. I will attend and work at the event.

  • I participate in a Women’s support group

  • PingPongParkinson, I joined for weekly Ping Pong matches in NYC

  • Improvisation for Parkinson’s. I am participating in a study at Mt. Sinai supported by the Parkinson’s Foundation.

  • Parkinson’s Unity Walk. I will be attending (and fundraising for) the walk on April 23 and will be working at both the PD Avengers and World Parkinson Coalition booths.

Be sure to look out for my social media posts on April 11!

About Miriam

I share my personal stories to offer a glimpse into what it is like to live with Young Onset Parkinson’s, revealing honest and intimate reflections. Hearing other people’s stories can be a lifeline for many of us living with this neurodegenerative disease. I hope to inspire and educate people living with Parkinson’s and to create community through shared experiences.


Parkinson’s Unity Walk ‘22


High Desert Magic